Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Calvinists, Arminiusts, and Me

            The Calvinists and the Arminiusts are two different groups of Christians debating the concepts of free-will, God’s sovereignty, predestination, grace, belief, and faith. Both parties believe that Jesus is God incarnate, that He sacrificed His life, that He conquered sin by rising from the dead.  They both believe that Jesus is the ONLY way to Heaven and that the Bible is God’s inerrant Word. Of course, there are extremists on both sides that may be contradictory to what God has said, but that is an entirely different topic.
            As for me, I am neither Calvinist nor Arminiust; yet, I have received far more ridicule from the pro-Calvinist camp. The reason for this may be that about 75% of what I believe in contrary to that of Reformed Theology. Although numerous arguments have been set before me, there is one that seems to be more common than others. Allow me to reiterate the argument addressed to me whenever discussing my beliefs concerning choosing Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior:
            “If one is saved by choosing to believe in God, he cannot claim that he was saved by grace; rather, he has saved himself.”
            I believe this argument to be completely illogical. Consider this analogy which represents my understanding of choosing Jesus Christ:
      There once was a man walking in the desert. The relentless heat began to take its toll. He yearned for water. Thirst overcame him, and he began to hallucinate great pools of water, crisp cool streams, and trees providing shade and shelter from the sun. And yet, he could not grasp these beautiful apparitions. His legs finally giving out, he collapsed to the ground, slowly losing strength and hope. Suddenly, a traveler appeared. He approached the dying man and asked, “Are you in need of water?”
     The dying man responded, “Yes, I am dying, and I am in need of water. Will you save me?”
   “Of course,” the traveler replied, “I have water that will save you…all you need to do is ask.”
   The dying man cried out, “Please give me water that I may live!”
            So the man gave him water, which quenched his thirst, and saved his life.
            My dear friends, allow me to explain this analogy. The man in the story is a non-believer, and the desert is the world that seeks to devour us. Thirst is the emptiness that all non-believers feel and which the Lord uses to draw us towards Christ. The hallucinations are the false hopes, dreams, and realities that we create to sustain us for a moment, but inevitably break us in the end. When the man finally collapses on the ground he has hit rock bottom. The traveler is Christ and the water is His blood. When He asks the man if he is in need of water He is presenting the Gospel and the dying man’s response is his confession… in need of salvation.
            You see, the man no more saved himself than looking at a glass of water will quench one’s thirst. Without the water, there is no salvation. And if the man rejected the water, he would have dammed himself. He had to ask for the water and then drink it to be saved.
            Consider another example of this: The very act of asking for forgiveness from others (or the Lord). Just as the man did not save himself by asking for water, so we are not forgiven by simply asking for forgiveness. Asking to be forgiven does not rid us of the wrongs which we have done; instead, forgiveness must be given by the one who we have wronged. Asking for salvation does not save us; instead, it is God’s grace. Still, one must ask in order to receive.  

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Impossibilities of God

“There are two kinds of arguments given to show that the theistic conception of God contains contradictions. One form of the argument goes like this: If God were really all-powerful, then He could make a stone so heavy that He could not lift it. But if He could not lift it, then He would not be all-powerful. Hence, no such God can exist.
            “In response, some theists have noted that God cannot do something which is impossible by definition. As it is impossible to make a circle square or to create another uncreated God, theists hold that it is impossible for God to make a stone that He cannot lift. Other theists explain that the problem begins with the use of a double negative: “If God cannot make a stone that He cannot lift, then He is not omnipotent.” If we were to put this into logical notation, however, the statement would read: “Any stone which God can make, He can lift.” Worded this way, the statement does not present any limitation to God’s power.”
            -Norman Giesler Christian Apologetics
            If something is impossible, by its very definition it is unable to be possible or else it would have never been impossible in the first place. One may argue that God is not limited by the definitions of man nor logic, but you would have to use both logic and definitions to support said claim which would be circular reasoning. For example, “God can make a world where the impossible is actually possible and the illogical is logical.” How could one make such a statement without having meaning behind said words? Using definitions to prove the possibility of contrary definitions.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Have you ever begged the Lord for help? I’m not talking about, “Oh Lord, I really want a car right now; please help me get one,” or “Dear Lord, I need help trying to find a job.” Please, think not that I am belittling prayers such as these, for the Lord should be involved in every aspect of our lives. Instead, I am speaking of body on the ground, face planted in the floor, covered in tears, really begging for mercy—begging for help.

Have you ever found yourself completely helpless in a situation where death’s sting may seem as sweet as honey? Have you ever experienced Christ the Healer, the Rescuer, the Protector, the One True Rock?

For some, physical pain may have brought you such torment…nowhere to turn but God. For others, emotional turmoil brings them to their knees. And still, for some, anxiety may lead them down the path of anguish and fear.   

Call on the Lord in your time of need. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Leading Someone Away from the Faith

        I will try to make this as short as possible. Many of us (Believers) have had the opportunity to lead someone to Christ. It is very beautiful and quite fulfilling. Where the Church of America has failed is not the leading one to Christ, but the willingness to compromise truth in order to get someone to believe. For example, someone who considers themselves to be very scientific and intellectual chooses not to acknowledge Christianity because it is based upon an ancient book that "contradicts" everything they hold sacred (science). Certain Christians come along and say you need not adhere to the Bible because it's all about loving Jesus. It then becomes questionable as to whether or not this person has truly been saved or led to believe a lie. 

              Quite recently I was in a debate with an individual who thought it was possible to believe in the Bible and Christ whilst at the same time proclaiming the consumption of meat to be a sin. They had never been corrected...never shown how a proclamation such as this contradicts both Scripture and Christ. And so, I took it upon myself to confront the individual. When proven utterly wrong, they turned to threats. Saying that they would leave the faith if I continued to speak. Those around me began to panic because they would never wish to lead someone AWAY from the faith...but I stood my ground. A choice had to be made. Either allow the individual to control what the Scriptures and believers say, or speak the truth and defend the faith. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Voting Against Homosexual Marriage as a Christian

Argument for Gay Marriage and the Rebuttals:

1.      The Government has no right to dictate who and what can get married. They need to stay out of everyone’s personal lives and let them do as they please whether it’s wrong or right. Simply because one religion says it is a sin does not mean the Government should favor those religions claims.

  •    This seems like a valid argument. I mean, we do not live in a theocracy and everyone has the right to choose… and yet… there are some flaws in this line of reasoning. Firstly, it is true that the government should not be the one dictating as to who or what can marry. Since, marriage is a Biblical institution; the Church should be the one to decide. My question is… has the government set the guidelines? The debate concerning Prop 8 did not spring into existence out of nowhere. As a matter of fact, the reason as to why it even exists is not because of the Christians, but the homosexuals. Their very argument rests upon the fact that marriage is a religious institution, and yet, they desire to be married? If marriage is a religious institution as they claim, than why strive for it? Prop 8 was created as a defense/rebuttal to the attack on the sanctity/definition of marriage. The Homosexuals seek the governments aid when a business owner refuses to higher them because of their sexual preferences…crying discrimination! And we must all comply. And now, they thrust their beliefs upon us and we cry to the government (via Prop 8) and yet we are met with arguments such as this one….that the government should stay out of it? Prop 8 was created by the homosexuals because the Church wanted to conserve to the original definition of marriage.

2.      As a Christian, I believe that humans are given free-will to do whatever they please and this includes sin. We cannot make laws that control an individual even if those laws keep them from sinning. This is a land of equal and free rights.

  •   For a moment, this argument seems somewhat valid, but let’s take another look at it. It is true that humans do have free-will. Hell did not stem from predestination, rather, humans choose to go there. However, simply because someone has the right to sin, does not mean we, Christians, should change our laws to better suit human nature. As stated earlier, marriage has already been defined Biblically and this is because this country was founded on Judeo Christian ethics. A country must be founded on some type of moral system or else you will have ethical relativism and another Sodom and Gamorrah or another Nazi Germany (granted, they were a Christian nation until they rejected what the Bible taught). A Christian believes that man is fallen and naturally evil; hence, our rights and beliefs were endowed by our Creator. If you wish to change that which we were founded on, than do not claim to be an American. What is amazing about this country is that we have the opportunity to be loyal to that Creator… to obey Him. We have the right to uphold what He determines as virtuous and right. True, this is the land of the free… but as a born again Christian, this means we are free to make the right decisions even though our fellow man may not approve. We serve God and not man.  By clinging to the Biblical definition of marriage…we are not condemning the homosexual of sin… instead, we are glorifying that which is God’s.

3.      As a Christian, I believe that Jesus would have respected the Homosexuals decision to get married. Jesus was all about love and respect and acceptance. He died for all because He loves all. He didn’t reject someone because of their sin; instead, He washed their feet and took them under His wing. For what reason would a Christian seek to condemn and cast away a homosexual… we need to love them as Christ would.

  •    Ya…. This is what I call the argument of a 2 year old. Someone who may be an old Christian but never moved from milk to meat. It is true that we are called to love everyone. The homosexual is our brother or sister created by God… the same blood of Christ that saved us is also capable of saving them! Here is the thing though, Jesus would not have recognized the homosexuals as actually married. Even if they had a huge wedding ceremony and were blessed by a liberal rabbi… He would not have even acknowledged that marriage because the definition of marriage is between a man and a woman. He wrote that definition out! For Christ to bless or condone a marriage between the same sex would make Him contradict the Bible. For instance, it’s like someone saying this square is a triangle…it does not logically follow because by definition a triangle has three sides and not four. You would have to change the definition of one or the other in order to make that statement true.  Christ does love the homosexual, he loves all sinners. Remember when Christ helped Marry the prostitute? He did not say, “I respect your decision to be a prostitute…you are free to do as you wish.” No, instead He said, “go and sin no more.” He acknowledged her sin and told her to stop. We, as Christians, must be Christ like in everything we do. Whether we be at a party, at work, at school, or voting. We do not put aside Christ at any moment in our life (though we fail and choose to ignore Him). Why then, when given the opportunity to uphold this right, this word, given to us by our Creator…why then would you choose to ignore that which Christ wrote, defined, and believed? We do not have the right to change the Bible. Love the homosexual…but love God first.

4.      As a Christian, I believe that humans have the right to do whatever they wish including sin. The Church cannot control individual’s free-will.

  •    This argument is very much the same as #2, but it is very inconsistent and falls apart in lieu of other examples of free-will and moral choices. For instance, how could someone be for legalizing homosexuals getting married, but against legalizing prostitution and abortion? Surely they will argue that abortion is murder and murder is wrong. And yet, what is “wrong?” What are you basing wrong off of? As a Christian, your morality is based on the Bible…the very Bible that you had just compromised to suit the choice of another individual. You see, you are against abortion because in the end….it’s morally wrong. What about prostitution? A woman should be free to do as she wishes with her body. You can’t tell her that what she is doing is wrong and then make laws restricting her from doing as she pleases. But wait, why would you even object to her claims? Perhaps I have gone in the wrong direction with this argument. Maybe you are against prostitution and abortion because it is dangerous for the woman and unhealthy? Let me ask you this…is homosexual sex healthy for the individuals (http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/)? Is it healthy mentally and spiritually for the child they adopt? You are not fighting/arguing against your fellow man, you are arguing against what God has deemed natural and holy. As a Christian, if you say there are no negative side-effects to homosexuality, than God must have not known what He was talking about. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The American Church

To My Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Faith,

          I am not affiliated with any specific Church congregation; thus, when I speak of the Church, I am not referring to a single group or denomination, but the Church of America as a whole. I am merely a Christian who lives and walks through life pondering the perplexities of reality. I have come to realize that truth can be spoken through many different mediums, whether it be through books, song, poetry, art, or even cinema. Each person can be influenced in different ways; some can discover truth best through what they read, while others grasp truth when they see it acted out on screen or spread across a canvas. 

          This generation is greatly influenced by movies and media, and there are many truths that can be found in the messages of films. Thus, I would like to give a Christian perspective on the latest installment of the Batman movies, The Dark Knight Rises. I will not go through every frame of the film; instead, I have selected specific scenes that best illustrate a dark and disturbing truth concerning our Church today.

Upon reading my personal commentary on the film, I have no doubt that criticism shall arise. It is true that people can read into this movie whatever they like, but this is Phineus' personal commentary—an individual Christian’s way of expressing an all too real truth.

Please do not misinterpret these words of mine. I am in no way saying that truth is relative, for all truth is absolute and of God. For instance, God does not hold opinions. He does not “think” something should or could be one way or another. Instead, He knows, and His knowledge cannot be wrong.  Thus, it is absolute.

Before I continue, however, I must define certain key characters and places within the film and their symbolism in light of today’s church.

#1. Gotham City = The Church of America
#2. Batman = Christians who are CALLED to be Polemicists 
#3. Commissioner Gordon = The few Elders who see the dangers of today
#4. Lt. Foley = Complacent Elders of this generation
#5. Blake= The new, zealous, and God-fearing generation
#6. Bane = An Anti-Christ, the Devil, or a wolf
#7. The Bomb = False doctrine and Heresy

Scene #1: The Hot-Head

          At the film’s outset, Gotham City is enjoying a time of peace due to the “Dent Act,” which locked away hundreds of criminals and made Gotham safe for the first time in years. Despite this time of calm, however, a young police officer named Blake refuses to let his guard down and fights passionately against the corruption that he still sees in Gotham. His fervor and drive upset his superior officer, Lt. Foley, who believes that there is no threat, creating friction between the two.

This friction comes to light at various times in the film. For example, at one point, Commissioner Gordon follows a couple of criminals down a manhole and into the sewers. Moments later, an explosion occurs, and Lt. Foley keeps the other police officers from following after Commissioner. Confused, Blake asks why no one is going down the manhole to help, but Foley says that they don’t know what is down there after seeing the explosion. Blake responds, “We know what’s down there…the Commissioner is down there.” Instead of listening to Blake and attempting to help the Commissioner, however, the Lieutenant publicly discredits Blake by yelling to all around him, “Would somebody get this hot-head out of here?!”

         Later, Blake is scolded by Foley a second time when he visits the Commissioner who is recovering from a bullet wound in the hospital. While there, he encounters the Lieutenant sitting beside the Commissioner Gordon, telling him that everything is fine and under control outside. Walking up to Gordon, Blake hands him a giant file that contradicts the Lieutenant’s assessments, to which Foley replies, “Remind me to tell detail to keep hot-heads out.” The Commissioner, convinced by the evidence presented to him, says that they need more hot-heads around, and proceeds to give Blake a promotion to Detective.

Now you may be wondering, “How in the world does this apply to us, the Church, in this day and age?” Please, allow me to explain. In this scene, Gotham represents the Church here in America. We are in a time of considerable peace: no persecution, everyone focusing on being happy and smiling, singing worship songs on the street corners, doing mission trips to Mexico and Africa, etc. We are not being put to death or beaten for the cross, and we can preach the Word wherever and whenever we like. Lieutenant Foley represents those who are now in charge of the Church and protecting said peace. They are the elders, pastors, small group leaders, etc, who, whether it be intentional or not, seek to further this peace at whatever cost necessary. Now the young cop, Blake, represents the few who see a potential threat in the church. He is the warrior who does not merely protect the Church from the evil outside, but from those who are already within as well. Blake has a passion for the truth and calls it like it is. He does not sugar-coat things, and his passion is misunderstood. Thus, he is labeled a hot-head.

We need more Blakes at this time in America. The Church has allowed truth to be watered down and has traded God’s Word for America’s acceptance. Galatians tells us that there will be false Gospels and false Christ’s (Galatians 1:6-10). We cannot assume that the true Gospel is being spread simply because America is accepting of it. We need to be like Detective Blake and care more about our duty as Christians within the Church than about how the elders/leaders think we should act towards the world to simply keep “peace.”

Scene #2: “Batman Surrounded”
As you may recall, Batman is a vigilante. At one point in the film, Bane hacks into the stock exchange and steals funds. When he attempts to flee the building on a motorcycle, hundreds of Gotham’s cops pursue him, and Batman joins in the chase. While in pursuit, however, Batman realizes that the cops have changed their target and are now chasing him! Blake, knowing that Batman is actually helping, tries to tell Lt. Foley that they should be more concerned with catching Bane, but the Lieutenant wants Batman instead. Even though Blake is right, the Lieutenant’s own selfish pride causes him to ignore the Detective because of his youth.

          Surrounded by almost all of Gotham’s police force, Batman leads them on a wild goose chase and eventually escapes. However, he isn’t the only one to get away…Gotham’s greatest enemy lives to see another day as well.

Batman, Commissioner Gordon, and Detective Blake are warriors of the faith, called to do battle against the corruption within the Church (Gotham). Batman is aggressive and breaks all of the so-called “rules” set up by Gotham—the very rules that the enemy uses to his advantage. These rules are not absolute, but have been imbedded into the minds of the people for so many years that they have been given the same authority as Scripture. This same mistake was made by the Catholics with their traditions, and, as history would have it, a Reformation occurred.

What are these “rules” you ask? I am not speaking of Dogma, for Dogma is the unquestionable, authoritative, beliefs of Christendom from which doctrine stems. Rather, I speak of what has gone from tradition to doctrine, meaning what once came from doctrine has now become just as authoritative. Love was once defined as an absolute and has now become an always gentle, all-inclusive, and non-confrontational emotion. The world has re-defined love, and the Church, so as not to “lose” souls, has adopted this new definition as its doctrine. And so, in the eyes of the Church, whenever someone is being aggressive, divisive, or offensive, they are being “unloving.”

“Batman” is not guided by the Church or it’s rules; he is guided, as everyone else should be, by the Holy Spirit. In this day and age, there are repercussions when being a vigilante for the faith. To those who love the man-ordained rules, “Batman” is considered divisive and self righteous. And yet, to the enemy, he is seen as a dangerous threat because he is governed by God’s Word and His commands. The cops, who represent the passive leadership within the American Church, are more concerned with the vigilante than the Wolf (Bane) who is slowly but surely corrupting and destroying the Bride of Christ. The younger generation tries to warn the older, but is scolded and condemned for being disrespectful towards its elders, too passionate and over zealous.

 You don’t believe me? Here is an exert from a book recently published by a local Pastor concerning those who are “hot-heads” for the faith. He writes:

You’ve probably known a jerk for Jesus…I think of a man in our church who sees himself as a mature, front-of-the-line Christian. He’s passionate about the Scriptures. Loves to study. Digs deep. He knows far more than most, so he’s taken it upon himself to become a spiritual watchdog to protect the rest of us. He barks at and then attacks anyone who misspeaks or who misuses or misunderstands the Bible. He thinks he’s helping out Jesus by keeping the heretics out…

The problem is that God never asked him to be a pit bull for right doctrine. God does ask him (and all of us) to contend for the faith. But he asks us to do it in a manner exactly opposite of the way my pit bull friend defends the gospel. We’re supposed to avoid quarreling, to be kind, and to gently instruct people who oppose us.

My friend’s pit bull methodology illustrates the biggest problem with overzealous faith and the reason why it’s so hard to self-diagnose. It’s almost always true to Scripture, but it’s not true to all of Scripture. It’s partially right. It fixates on one area of God’s will (for instance, defending the faith) while ignoring other parts (doing so kindly and gently). (Osbourne 18-19)

Do you see what I am talking about? What this Pastor is doing is fixating on only one attribute of love and condemning the rest. He focuses on being gentle and kind, making these two approaches the only appropriate way for a wolf to be confronted. Here, this Pastor has taken traditional views on qualities that are to be respected and admired, and made them absolutely necessary; taking what is traditionally seen as wise in SOME cases and making it doctrinally necessary in ALL instances of dealing with heresy. However, to adhere to such a belief would be to demonize all the examples of aggressive, tough love, displayed throughout Scripture by righteous, Spirit filled men. For him to say that God has, “never asked [anyone] to be a pit bull for right doctrine,” takes knowledge that we humans simply do not have. We cannot know God’s thoughts and what we have seen throughout Scripture is God using men to confront wolves and false prophets (Numbers 25, 1 Kings 18,  Acts 13, Luke 11, Acts 20, etc.) Thus, no human being, this Pastor included, has the right or authority to declare what God has called another individual to do. God may very well have given someone passion and zealousness in a specific area of the Church, to persecute this passion would be to persecute a spiritual gift from God. For, “the eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I don’t need you!’ And the head cannot say to the feet, ‘I don’t need you;’” even so, we cannot discredit and attack the calling of a fellow member in the body Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:21)

We need to stop throwing water on the fires of these younger Christians. They have a passion, they are zealous, what they need is to be pointed in the right direction, not stamped out. As of right now, more and more home churches are appearing, and more and more young Christians are beginning to realize that something is terribly wrong in the Church. If the elders keep seeking to attack the inevitability of reform and those who seek to bring it about, then there will be a great split like no other. Just like the Christians in Germany who stood against the rule of the complacent eldership during the Nazi regime, there will be another Confessing Church.

Scene #3: “I was Born in the Dark”

In another scene, Catwoman leads Batman to where Bane and his minions are hiding out down in the sewers. Of course Catwoman, who is simply looking out for herself, leads him into a trap where Bane is waiting to fight him.

The two face off and Bane gains the upper hand and goads Batman, saying, “You fight like a younger man, with nothing held back. Admirable, but mistaken.”

After taking a beating from Bane, Batman triggers a small EMP that shuts all the lights off, thinking he will have the upper hand in the dark.

“Oh, you think darkness is your ally?” Bane asks, “You merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was already a man. By then it was nothing but blinding! The shadows betray you; they belong to me.” Bane continues to beat up Batman and breaks his spine, throwing him to the ground.“I will show you where I have made my home while preparing to bring ‘justice,’” Bane continues. “Then, I will break you.”

Moments later, Bane hits a detonator, and the ceiling begins to crumble, blowing a hole into the bottom of Wayne Enterprises’ Armory and Batman’s private stash of weapons.  “Your precious armory, gratefully accepted. We will need it.”

Let us begin by examining Bane’s reaction when Batman turns off the lights. Remember, Bane is a symbol for Evil, born in darkness. He knows how to use the darkness as his ally and can move just as fast, if not faster, in the dark as he can in the light. Keeping this in mind, please allow me to ask you, my dear reader, some questions.

          What are the characteristics of Heaven? We know that heaven is a place of peace, tranquility, no more tears or sorrow, and full of joy (Rev. 21:4). Who do we know that was born in Heaven? Well, the Holy Trinity is eternal; hence, no part of it was born, and humans were created on the earth. That leaves us with the angels. All the angels were born (created) in Heaven: The Archangel Michael, Gabriel, thousands of others, and last but not least, Lucifer. Yes, Satan was born in the light (heaven), and he is no stranger to it. And just as Bane uses his knowledge of the dark to his advantage, so too Satan uses his knowledge of the light, and of the Word, for his own purposes.

“How could Satan use the Light to his advantage?” you ask. Think about it. Satan does not want to be discovered or distinguished by the outside world and the Christian. He wants to keep his enemies silent and win souls at the same time. He has done this by corrupting our greatest commandments. You see, the Church of America has become pre-occupied with making a heaven on earth and spreading the Gospel under the guise of this new definition of “love”—a love that is nothing but compromise. Satan knows the truth, and he knows that the best way to win someone over to a lie is by imitating the truth.
Our enemy has discovered a way to become accepted by both the Christians and the world at the same time: through love. Satan has learned to imitate love so that he may win souls, and he is able to do so because he was born in the light and he is familiar with love, peace, gentleness, kindness, etc. Paul was not ignorant of this fact and claimed that Satan, “himself masquerades as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14).
Satan, in a most cunning and snake-like way, has attacked Biblical Love by redefining it through small, barely noticeable steps. Love, as defined by the Bible, is powerful, and for centuries has been a conservative word that Satan could not confront head on; instead, he mimicked it. He took certain truths about love and fixated on their importance over all the rest, teaching this new version of love to the American people. Our enemy’s success can be seen in the words of Pastor Osborne and others like him who demonize any type of aggression towards the wolves.
The Church found no threat in this reconstructed definition because it was so similar; however, the ramifications of accepting such a “love” are enormous. Although the Bible commands us to love one another, be gentle, slow to anger, and not to be divisive, we must remember that love is not always gentle. But Satan has taught the world to hate and condemn this fact. Though it is true that love is slow to anger, this does not mean that all passion is to be thrown out (Numbers 25). Love may be gentle, but it may also be aggressive (John 2).

Even Christ was aggressive at times. Love may not be dedicated to opposition, and yet, that is what the Bible is: opposition towards man’s sinful nature and twisted philosophies. People may be naturally more receptive towards these kinder descriptions of love, but when dealing with wolves in the Church, sometimes the opposite is necessary.

Satan wants the Church to be as quiet and gentle as sheep because he wants no confrontation or opposition from us. For this reason, we must scrutinize the Church under the microscope of the Holy Spirit rather than through the eyes of the world which have been corrupted by the Devil. Yet, how can we fight against the corruption of the Devil? We may try to use kindness, but the enemy is familiar with this tactic. We may use gentleness and compassion, and yet, would this not be child’s play for the Devil? He knows how to fight us, and he is well acquainted with “the light.”

Real Biblical Love is the most powerful thing a Christian has to defend himself with. This is due to the fact that God is LOVE, and out of that same love came the creation of Hell and destruction of sin. Our enemy wants the church to lower it’s defenses, and how better than by making it seem as if there is no threat? Let’s face it, because of its acceptance and belief of “one love,” America does not threaten or persecute the Church.

America is a land of peace for the Christian because over half of this country claims to be believers! The people here are dedicated to love, acceptance, and gentleness. Although America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and beliefs, Satan has infected America in every way imaginable, allowing home-grown Americans to be under the impression that they are Christian simply because of their location. In the end, the Church of America is full of individuals who hold to Satan’s twisted ideologies, whether they be teachers (wolves) or others who are simply ignorant of the danger. In order to “cleanse” the Church of its false doctrines and teachers, we must begin to investigate and ask questions. This may be difficult for many, for with the answers comes difficult decisions for the Church.

Thus, we are left with a Church in America, full of believers and nonbelievers, that stresses the importance of this so-called “love.” Satan has fostered the perfect country in which his lies can grow while truth is abolished; a place where everyone must accept each other and their various views as equally true and authoritative. Then, there is no opposition, no divisiveness; we occupy a world dedicated to “loving” each other. And in this morally compromised world, one must be “loving” at whatever cost necessary, even to the point of twisting Scripture. 

The Devil thinks that he has taken away our armor, our zealousness, and the truth. He is banking on us forgetting the true definition of love and our apathy towards false doctrine. We must remember that, as Christians, we are called to follow and be like Christ. That means in every aspect of how Christ lived. He did not come to bring peace, but a sword, and He divided mother from daughter and father from son (Matthew 10:34). Christ was full of zeal not always gentle when correcting those who believed in God; like casting the false teachers out of His temple (John 2). He did become angry and would occasionally offend people (Luke 11:45-46). Christ is the definition of pure love, and we are to be like Him even when He was divisive and un-gentle.

The early church was so much like Christ that many were put to death. They were not afraid to speak out. They were lead by the Holy Spirit, by a passionate fire that causes one to be persecuted by the enemy and the world. It is true that the greatest testimony we can give is through our actions and not what we say. And yet, the time has come to speak, for even the world has begun to mimic our actions. Whether it be charitable deeds like helping the poor, mission trips to Mexico and Africa, or building hospitals and orphanages, the world is mimicking us. So let us not only be different in action, but in speech as well.

In the film, Bane is able to use Batman’s own skills and fighting tactics against him. What Bane can’t mimic, however, is Batman’s beliefs of justice and morality. Our belief is the heart of our actions. Satan can mimic love all he wants, but in the end, when really tested in the fire, it can not stand up to the Gospel.

Scene #4  Bane and His Church

          The entire police force of Gotham has fallen into a trap. Barricaded in the sewers, they are helpless, leaving Gotham to the people and criminals without law and order.  Bane steps up and delivers a speech to the people of Gotham in front of Blackgate prison. He shouts: 

“We take Gotham from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you…the people. Gotham is yours. None shall interfere. Do as you please. Start by storming Blackgate, and freeing the oppressed. Step forward those who would serve. For an army will be raised. The powerful will be ripped from there decadent nests, and cast into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened. Spoils will be enjoyed. Blood will be shed. The police will survive as they learn to serve true justice. This great city…it will endure. Gotham will survive!”

Allow me to re-word this speech as it could be said by our enemy, the Devil:

          “We take the Church from the God-fearers and Bible-believers! The oppressors of free-thinking and relative interpretation! Those who have chained down your minds with mythology and fables, and we give back to you...the intellectuals and self-actualized. The Church is yours. None shall interfere with their absolute statements from dogma and doctrines. Do as you please. Start by allowing the Liberals to teach your children, and by ordaining ministers who reject the basic tenants of Christianity. Those who conform to the traditional interpretation of Scripture will be shunned and demonized. Church discipline shall be abolished. The apologists will survive as they learn to adopt the new definitions and truths set forward by this generation. The Church…it will be replenished. The Church will survive.”

No doubt there will be those of you who are thinking that this is quite a stretch, but keep in mind that symbolism is completely relative. Truly, someone could take this same scene from Batman and apply to it the complete opposite of what I have just said and am going to say. But this is Phineus’s interpretation of the movie. Whether you agree or disagree is completely superfluous. The purpose behind this symbolism is to get you to think and see things from my perspective, and I see a problem.
Let us go through the speech one sentence at a time:

 “We take the Church from the God-fearers and Bible Believers! The oppressors of free-thinking and relative interpretation!”

You must be wondering, “How could anyone be able to take the Church away from God-fearers and Bible believers?” The answer is quite simple: apathy. It is possible that you can believe in the inerrant Word of God and fear the Lord, but do absolutely nothing when opposition arises. We have, right now, a generation of Church-goers dedicated to acceptance and brotherly love, to the extent that any type of divisiveness—even the division of a lie from a truth—is considered a “sin” and “un-loving.”

“Those who have chained down your minds with mythology and fables, and we give it back to you...the intellectuals and self-actualized.”

         In 2 Timothy 4:2-5, Paul urges Timothy to be prepared, because the time will come “when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.”

The Devil and his wolves hate the truth because it keeps God’s children from Hell. They seek after our destruction, and the best way for them to accomplish this is through our school systems because, in this day and age, people idolize knowledge. Whether that knowledge be true or false, all knowledge is power. Satan used knowledge to tempt mankind in the Garden of Eden, and he continues to use it today. For hundreds of years now, the older generation has taught the youth to be consumed with school and degrees, but this still does not satisfy the humans’ lust for power. It’s in our nature. And yet, as we learn and gain more knowledge, we must judge that knowledge through the Scriptures. When judged and seen wanting, a choice must be made: Either believe and have faith in God’s Word, even though it contradicts the world’s supposed “truth,” or compromise the Scriptures. It takes great humility to sacrifice knowledge, even if it is false.

To illustrate, think of the Creation vs. Evolution debate. Before the theory of Evolution came onto the scene, Christian’s would never have thought of questioning the Creation account of Genesis. Then that belief was challenged by Evolution, and the Church was unable to give a strong enough defense. A choice had to be made by not only the world, but by the believers also. Trust God’s Word, or compromise it. Many did, and still do alter the Scripture to believe in the lie of Evolution. Sure, after so many years we have a better defense, but Evolution has gained such a foothold that many consider it fact without a shadow of a doubt. Genesis has become mythologized, and if you can’t believe in the first chapters of Genesis, why should you believe any of the Bible for that matter?

And so, Bane (Satan) and his followers (wolves), under the guise of freedom and acceptance, gives his so-called “truth” to the wolves.

“The Church is yours. None shall interfere with their absolute statements from dogma and doctrines. Do as you please.”

Let me begin here by defining these terms. Dogma is the unquestionable creeds of Christendom. Where as, doctrine is defined as “the truths of the gospel in general” (Noah Webster’s Dictionary). The difference between Dogma and Doctrine is quite miniscule. While some Doctrine is considered Dogma, not all Dogma is considered Doctrine. The only thing that interferes with what Satan teaches is the Truth, and doctrines grounded in that truth stand against heresies. If you take away those who defend Dogma and the Doctrines grounded in that Dogma, the wolves can do what they want.

The Apostle’s Creed is a prime example of what I am discussing because it is a list of the core beliefs of Christianity. From the Deity of Christ to the Bodily Resurrection. Only a wolf or a non-believer would reject the Apostle’s Creed because it is composed of absolute statements grounded in Scripture.

“Start by allowing the liberals to teach your children and ordaining ministers who reject the basic tenants of Christianity.”

        It has already begun. College professors seek to “liberate” the youth from the traditional, conservative mode of thinking under the guise of love, acceptance, and open-mindedness. They preach that if there are absolutes, then any other “truth” would be wrong and excluded from all other ideas. Thus, when absolutes are acted upon, the very act itself is unloving because of the exclusion it creates. These liberal professors not only reside in our colleges, but in our Seminaries as well. Don’t take my words for it; hear the words of Dr. Walter Martin, the original Bible Answer Man, founder of the Christian Research Institute, and author of Kingdom of the Cults. He claims:

          “We have, for more than one hundred years, been under sustained attack in the United States in our Theological Seminaries, Church related schools, and our Churches. A sustained attack by people who have the form of godliness and work within the structure of the Church, and have, wherever they’ve been permitted the opportunity, diluted the gospel and destroyed the faith. They occupy, today, the chairs in our major Theological Seminaries, the rulership of our major denominational structures, and they maintain boldly and boastfully, ‘This is the church!’ But it is not the Church if it denies the power of the gospel. (The Cult of Liberalism)

Even before Dr. Walter Martin, the theologian J. Gresham Machen preached about how the Church has been infiltrated. He writes, “The church of today has been unfaithful to her Lord by admitting great companies of non-Christian persons, not only into her membership, but into her teaching agencies” (Machen 159).  He also pinpoints our problems and the enemies of the Church when he says, “The great menace to the Christian church today comes not from the enemies outside, but from the enemies within. It comes from the presence within the church of a type of faith and practice that is anti-Christian to the core” (Machen 159). And this was written in the 1920s! Things have only gotten worse.

The Devil has infiltrated our seminaries to corrupt believers and raise up church leaders who are governed by relative truth and pacifism. What happens when you send your children to a Christian school or college and the first thing that they are taught is that the Bible is not inerrant, and there is no such thing as a wrong interpretation?

“Those who hold to the traditional interpretation of Scripture will be shunned and demonized. Church discipline shall be abolished.”

“What was right will be wrong, and what is wrong will be right” (Isaiah 5:20). These words ring true and clear. The enemy seeks to be rid of anything that, or anyone who, clings to the Word of God and the true interpretation of Scripture.
         The heretics who were once called wolves and false teachers have been renamed “true Christians” and “real Apologists.” In the past, the wolves were confronted and reprimanded because Scripture dictates such an action (1 Timothy 5:20). Now, however, we the Church have grown to embrace the wolves due to the world’s idea of “love” and acceptance. We have been made to think that by embracing the false teachers, we are “loving our neighbor as ourselves” (Mark 12:31).

“The apologists will survive as they learn to adopt the new definitions and truths set forward by this generation. The Church…it will be replenished. The Church will survive!”

          Satan wants leaders that will uphold his kingdom and stifle any type of opposition. He wants apologists who will bend to his will and defend his new form of “love.” He wants leaders that teach the congregation to not be passionate or zealous. And yet, we all know that Satan will not get his way. Though he thinks his church will survive, we know that the real Body of Christ will come out on top, and the enemy will be destroyed.

Some of you may ask, “For what reason do you talk of battle and defending the faith when the outcome has been revealed to us already? The Lord shall win!” This is true. The Lord will be the victor, but this does not mean we should cease to fight. We do not fight against the wiles of the Devil simply because we seek to destroy him or win the war; no, we wage war so that our brothers and sisters will not fall for the Devil’s lies and thus be taken captive. Today there are more cults, false religions, and destructive philosophies than ever before. If you truly believe that every person is a child of God, and therefore our brothers and sisters, then fight for them. We have been charged, by God, to defend the faith (1 Peter 3:15). We have been told to be ready to make a defense. The Apostle Paul’s life attests to this. Even Christ defended what He said with Scripture (Luke 4:8; Mark 7:6,7; Matthew 21:16; Mark 12:26)! So, too, should we. 

Scene #5 From Within

Near the climax of the film, Commissioner Gordon prepares to fight back, hitting Bane with everything he’s got…even if it’s only a few police officers and detectives. The Bomb has been set and the bridges are closed to prevent anyone from escaping the city. He must act before Bane fulfills his threat to destroy Gotham. As he looks around at his comrades, he realizes that Leuitenant Foley, his right hand man, is no where to be found.
Furious, Commissioner Gordon goes to Foley’s house and bangs on the door. Foley’s wife answers, “Jim…[my husband’s] not here.”
Gordon: [Yelling] “You let your wife come to the door while the city is under occupation!”

[Foley comes to the door and tells his wife to go wait in the kitchen.]
Gordon: “What did you do? Bury your uniform in the backyard?”
Foley: “You saw what they did to those Special Forces.”

Gordon: “Have you forgotten all the years we were out on patrol when every gang banger wanted to plant one as soon as our backs were turned?”
Foley: “That was different and you know it! These guys run the city…the governments done a deal with them.”

Gordon: “Bane’s got their balls in a vice. That’s not a deal.”
Foley: “You move on Bane, the triggerman is going to hit the button.”

Gordon: “You think he’s given control of that bomb to one of ‘the people?’ You think this is part of some revolution? There’s only one man with his finger on the button, that’s Bane.”
Foley: “Look, we’ve all gotta keep our heads down till they can fix this. If you still had family here…”

Gordon: “This only gets fixed from inside the city! Look, Peter, I’m not asking you to walk down Grand in your dress blues. But something has to be done.”
Foley: “I’m sorry Jim. I gotta…”

Gordon: “Keep your head down? What good’s that gonna do tomorrow when that thing blows?”
Foley: “You don’t know that’s going to happen.”

Commissioner Gordon seeks to defend the church from Bane, an anti-Christ, wolf, and false teacher. The Bomb is the threat of false ideologies (the cults, liberalism, pacifism, etc). And Lieutenant Foley, like this generation of elders and leaders, would rather be complacent and remain comfortable than confront the threat head on. This danger must be addressed, or else the youth will be corrupted, and their beliefs will be tainted by lies and destruction. Relativism and complacency will make our children liberals and pacifists. The Liberal does not believe in absolutes, and the pacifist will compromise Scripture to fit a false idea of love. Together, they will warp God’s truth beyond recognition.

     When someone claims to be a Christian and a pacifist liberal, the Bible is no longer absolute and zeal is thrown to the wind. The Old Testament becomes merely fables. History becomes relative, and Jesus may not even have existed. The Virgin Birth never happened. All of a sudden, ethics depend upon what man says rather than what God commands and turning the other cheek means that we are to bare with corrupt truths. Genesis never happened; as a matter of fact, science and evolution are far more reliable than any old book because they correlate more with reality…the physical world. Such are the beliefs of the liberal pacifist Christian.

As Christians, we must fight to destroy this “bomb” before Bane (the Devil) uses it to destroy the youth and other confused or conflicted believers. We must acknowledge the fact that we, the Church, have a problem. Still, merely acknowledging the issue is not enough, or we become no better than Lt. Foley who would look to others to solve his problem while he “keeps his head down.” We cannot do as so many Christians do: simply pray, and let God handle it.

Let me tell you a story. There was once a giant flood that covered a small town. A man escaped onto his rooftop and prayed that God would save him. Moments later, a small boat came by and offered the man some assistance. “No thanks,” the man responded, “the Lord is going to save me.” The boat floated off, and the waters began to rise. The man continued to pray. Soon, another boat arrived offering him help. The man gave the same response as before, and the boat left as the waters began to rise even higher. He prayed once again and a helicopter appeared, lowered down a ladder, and begged him to climb. “That’s quite alright! I will wait for the Lord to save me!” Hours later, the man drowned, and he was greeted by our Father in Heaven. He turned to the Lord and asked, “Why did You not save me?” The Lord answered, “I tried to save you three times, but you denied My assistance.”

          Now, please do not misinterpret what I have just said. Prayer is good and righteous. We must always look to prayer in times of need, but we must also be prepared to act when called to do so. If you truly have faith in our Lord, then put your faith into action.

You may say that these are all simply hypothetical situations and analogies, not real life. Well, let me tell you a true story to illustrate my point. I know a young man who claims to be a Christian and a pacifist. He has often said that he would never cause harm to another human being because Christ commands us to “turn the other cheek” (Matthew 5:39). So, I presented a real life scenario to him to see how he would respond. I asked, “What would you do if you witnessed a burglar raping your wife?” He replied that he would get down on his knees and pray to God rather than stop the burglar.

    My friends, prayer is good, but don’t use prayer as an excuse to sit idly by when someone can be saved from danger. Christ taught that the greatest example of love is to lay down one’s life for a friend. This means we are called to take action and not merely pray.

Each and every Christian is called to confront and rebuke false teachings within the Church. This does not mean that you have to go walking up and down the street with Bible in hand, screaming out, “Jesus is the only way, and if you don’t believe, you are going to Hell!” No, instead, we need to speak when opposition to the truth is present and correct any false teachings. It is our Christian duty to rebuke any wolf that speaks on behalf of the Gospel (Acts 20:29).

Right now, the most important task at hand is to help true believers within the Church to realize how sick we really are as a body. The enemy is already preparing for a counter attack once we start revealing his plans. Remember, he has adopted our language. You will be condemned for “divisiveness.” Those who are content with where the church is at right now will claim that anyone who is divisive cannot be doing the will of God. They will say that God has not called you to be a “jerk for Jesus.” But we must examine how the Bible truly defines divisiveness.

Within the Body of Christ, we must be united as one. Divisiveness becomes sin once it pulls the body apart with non-dogmatic ideologies. For instance, when we argue about whether or not to use grape juice rather than wine or the pre-tribulationist verses post-tribulationist. The Devil has us silenced when we need to speak and arguing when silence should be practiced. Our structure of denominations is itself divisiveness. From the Baptist to the Nazarene and the Calvinist to the Arminius. We must stop dividing each other over such trivial things. Yet, division is righteous when we reveal evil and confront it, and that evil is anything that contradicts the Scripture. The Body is defined by, and composed of, followers who believe and have faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

This sounds pretty simple, but there’s more to it than meets the eye.  A Christian, by following Jesus Christ, necessarily believes in the Bible as God’s Word and all that that entails. When people within the Church reject the Bible, but profess to be Christian, confrontation arises, and the outcome of this confrontation can either be good or bad. Either there will be repentance for the individual’s heresy, or he will be kicked out. This is the positive definition of division. We must divide the Church in half. One side believing in Christ and His Word, and the other side rejecting His Word, thus believing in a totally different Christ.

Once Christians see it as their duty to confront these wolves and ignorant believers, the Devil will have a lot more to deal with than he had planned. He does not fear the human…but the Holy Spirit that lives inside of the believer, that is who he truly fears.

The Church must be willing to confront Bane and be rid of this “Bomb” that threatens our youth and the Church. The older and more complacent generation wants to leave everything as it is. This is partly due to the fact that the men have lost sight of their duty as leaders. If you notice in this scene of Batman, who answers the door when Commissioner Gordon comes knocking? 

When Foley’s wife answers the door and lies to Gordon’s face, he knows that Foley is running scared. They are facing a time of unrest, inner turmoil, and war… and the man, the protector, had his wife answer the door?!

Nowadays, with the rise of feminism, men have ALLOWED themselves to become de-masculinized by the woman’s desire for more power. And yet, this desire for power was not sought out, it was thrust upon them by mans inability to fulfill his God ordained role. Men are no longer the heads, the decision makers, bread winners, pastors and protectors. The women have become the Alphas, not just in Society, but in our Churches as well. The men must realize that they have been charged by God to protect both the flock and their families. Please do not misunderstand these words of mine. Women can and do confront wolves; they have the Holy Spirit just as much as any man. But a pastor is defined as a man who serves as a shepherd and overseer. The shepherd keeps watch over his flock. If the man does not want to be a shepherd, the wolves will come in…and they have already. I am not saying that all men are called to be pastors in the Church, but all pastors are men and all men are called to be leaders over their household at least.

In the End

So this is where we find ourselves. Our Church has grown full of individuals who call themselves Christians, yet deny the core beliefs of Christianity. It is saturated by numerous wolves and false teachers. This is the effect of Liberalism and Complacency. We must acknowledge this threat. We must acknowledge the condition we are in. The Church may be the Body of Christ, but this does not mean that it need not be accountable for its actions or that it is exempt from corruption. The Bible testifies to this corruption in Revelations (Rev. 2-3). Paul testifies to this in his Epistles as does Peter.(1 Timothy1; 2 Peter 2:1-3). Christ, in the Gospels, warns us (Matthew 7:15-20). Shall we heed these warnings and act upon them? A false peace and this twisted idea of love has taken precedence in our Body. We must first acknowledge our predicament before change can happen… before a Reformation can begin.

Work Cited

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises. Dir. Christopher Nolan. Perf. Christian Bale, Gary
Oldman, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Warner Bros., 2012. DVD.

“Doctrine.” Noah Webster’s First Edition of an American Dictionary of the English
Language. 1828. Facsimile 1st ed. 1995. Print.

Machen, Gresham J. Christianity and Liberalism. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans
Publishing, 1923. 159. Print.

Osborne, Larry. Accidental Pharisees: Avoiding Pride, Exclusivity, and the Other
Dangers of Over Zealous Faith. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2012. 18-19. Print

Martin, Walter. The Cult of Liberalism. Walter Martin's Religious InfoNet. CD.

Picture References

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