Friday, October 6, 2023


A young boy sat amidst a congregation. His fellow men and women, oh how they had sustained such hardship. The young boy began to reminisce concerning the years that had passed. 

Slavery, starvation miles upon miles of journeying. There have been so many deaths…so much sorrow and pain. And now a plague fell upon his people. For what reason is this? 
His concentration was broken by the silence amongst those around him. Moses now stood before the congregation and spoke in the name of the Lord, “oh this generation of wolves! From Egypt you were led, from slavery you were saved. The Lord had provided you with food blessed by the Heavens. Water sprang forth from the very stones you now tread upon. Why now do you seek this unknown idol? What good has come from this? You have chosen your poison, but now the body has begun to die. Turn from your ways. Repent and spare those who seek truth and offer worship to the one true God.”

A weeping could be heard resounding from behind and beyond the young man. Silence soon took hold as someone began to speak. It was Zimri, head of the tribe of Simeon, accompanied by Cozbi, a Midianite woman. “Yes, indeed, Moses,” he began, “you are at liberty to make use of such laws that you are so fond of. And by making them accustomed to yourself, they have become this firm. But you shall not have me as one of your followers in your tyrannical commands, for you do nothing else but under pretense of law, and of God, wickedly impose on us slavery, and gain power for yourself, while you deprive us of the sweetness of life, which consists in acting according to our own wills, and is the right of free men. Nay, my friends, this man is harder upon the Hebrews than were the Egyptians themselves, as pretending to punish, according to his laws, everyone acting what is most agreeable to himself. You should be the one punished for abolishing what everyone acknowledged to be what’s good for him, and you aim to make your single opinion to have more force than all the rest of us.”

With this said, Zimri stood there amongst the crowd of people and looked all around him. No one dared to say anything, for they were frightened by how and what was said. Zimri smirked and made his way out of the congregation…a victory.

The young man became uncomfortable. His heart began to beat uncontrollably. His mind was racing…all he had ever know was challenged and defeated.

“What is this feeling?” he began to ponder. A fire began to burn within his chest. He knew what needed to be done. Those all around him saw the look in his eyes. He was known for his strength, both in mind and body….never letting up until complete victory was won.

Picking up his javelin, Phineus acted upon his convictions. Zimri’s tent was not far off. He walked steadily as people made way for him. No one dared to interfere for his countenance shone as one being led by the divine messenger. His heart had steadied…his thoughts went mute…there comes a time in every man’s life when he must act upon the truth and what is right. Otherwise, he is not a man at all, but a starved dog seeking whatever he can to fulfill his hunger.

Phineus tore down the door and saw Zimri and Cozbi intertwined with the sin they committed. With one clean thrust, Phineas skewered both lovers.

The Lord spoke to Moses, “Phineus has turned back My wrath from the Israelites by displaying among them his passion for Me, so that I did not wipe out the Israelite people in My passion. Say therefore, ‘I grant him My pact of friendship…because he took impassioned action for his God, thus making expiation for the Israelites.’” And immediately the plague was lifted. 

Here is the story of Phineus, a young man with such a zeal for the Lord. An inspiration to all young men seeking to do what is right. 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023



    "The label on all RCA records contained a picture of a dog listening to an old Victrola with the caption 'His master’s Voice.' Dr. Eugene Nida of the translation department of the American Bible Society has pointed out that the dog listening to the Victrola will hear an imperfect transmission of his mater’s voce because the needle scratches the surface of the record. However, no matter how scratchy the record sounds, the needle cannot obliterate the sound of the master’s voice – the message still comes through.

        “Expanding on this concept little more, we can see that the Bible is represented by the record and that the imperfections of human nature and the limitations of human knowledge are represented by the needle. The passage of time is represented by the turn table. Just as any record becomes scratchy in time through wear, so is this true (though in a lesser degree) with the copies of Scripture. But in spite of these limitations (the direct product of human freedom and its resultant sin), we can still hear our Master’s voice, just as the dog does on the record label. The 'scratches' are also being 'erased' as time goes on by archeology, by older and better texts, and by scientific discoveries. More of the 'original' is thus being 'dubbed' back into the copies, so that year by year we are getting closer to the 'master tape' from which all the duplicates (copies of manuscripts) were recorded. Thus the accuracy of the Bible copies increases rather than decreases. The clarity of the message improves steadily with the passage of time, and the fidelity of our Master’s voice is now growing clearer and clearer.”


Dr. Walter Martin

“Essential Christianity”

Saturday, May 6, 2023



          Anxiety is no laughing matter; I know this better than most. I remember my first anxiety attack. Even though it was small and I was only six years old, I cannot forget it.  My anxiety didn’t reach full maturity until I was about 15 years old. There was a time where I would either vomit or dry heave every day for about a year. To have one’s mind tear one apart from the inside.  To have fear physically grip your heart and mind. To feel helpless and scared. There are those who think lightly of anxiety… who simply do not understand how powerful the mind can be and the effects it can have on the body. They say things like,  “Why don’t you just stop thinking about it?” and “Stop worrying about it!” You must not hold anything against these people for this is the prime example of the bliss of ignorance.

            The purpose of this paper is to show you different methods for combating your anxiety. I have put together, in no particular order, 7 attack strategies that may be of some assistance. Please do not feel as though you are alone in this. Numerous people suffer from anxiety and I guarantee you are surrounded by friends and family who will be more than willing to aid you in your trials.
#1. Reverent Prayer

            We all become accustomed to prayer. Especially when raised in a Christian family, being members of a tight knit Church, graduating from a Christian School, etc. We tend to forget the reality of prayer. Regular prayer and an anxiety attack simply do not go hand and hand. Don’t get me wrong…all prayer is metaphysically beautiful, but when directly under attack, you must go to the next level.
            Go someplace where you wont be disturbed…shut off all the lights, strip yourself of all your clothes, and lay down with your face to the ground.  As you lay there, completely vulnerable, prostrated before the Lord, beg Him to have mercy on you. Ask from Him who is called Healer to heal your mind (Matthew 4:23,24). Ask for protection from He who is your Shield (Psalm 28:7). Ask for strength from He who is your Rock (Psalm 18:2). Remember that you are coming before the King, the Almighty God. Show Him and tell Him how helpless you are…and how badly you need Him.
#2. Christ

            Whilst in prayer, remember that Christ Himself suffered from Anxiety whilst praying in the garden of Gethsemane:
            “ And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. And His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground” (Luke 22:44).
            Remember that Christ knows exactly what you are going through. Anxiety is neither a sin nor a sign of weakness…anxiety is human and one of the effects of an active, imaginative creative mind.

#3. Concrete Reality

           Anxiety is fear of what does not exist, may never exist, could never happen, etc. It is equivalent to an adult’s imaginary monster. And so, to combat this “Boogey Man” you must try to ground yourself in the concrete reality.  Try and focus on the here and now.  What really IS.
            Take a deep breath…listen to your heartbeat. Your body is functioning perfectly on its own. Look at your hands…look at the clouds, the stars, the moon…feel the wind…Focus on what is constant. Focus on what is here in the now. Ground yourself in actuality, not potentiality.

#4. Anger

            One year in high school, I was asked to go up in chapel and give my testimony. I remember feeling fine the night before, but the day of, I felt somewhat uneasy… so I brushed it off. Minutes before class got out and chapel would begin, I started to get anxiety. I didn’t know what to do because I hadn‘t had anxiety for a long time before then (that was actually one of the reasons I was asked to give my testimony). I went into the bathroom and began to pace and pray…and then I realized something…I was under spiritual attack. That fear, that worry, that anxiety, turned into anger! Turned into rage! I became furious and swore that the devil would not have this victory. 
            Sometimes, you just have to get mad. Lose your temper! And fight back! Remember Who is on your side and tell your “mind” to shut the hell up!

#5. Xanax

            Our bodies are made by a perfect God, but they are plugged into an imperfect world. It is for this reason that we have death. Before sin had entered the world, Adam and Eve would have been immortal. Within this imperfect world, we have humans born with deformities, with deficiencies, ailments, weaknesses, etc. Sometimes, anxiety is due to a chemical imbalance, while other times it is your environment or even a spiritual attack.
            The Lord is able to utilize people and things for good. There are those who wish to condemn modern medicine and yet use it at the same time. This method of thinking is simply illogical.
            Modern medicine has come a long way, and there are numerous discoveries that benefit humans…especially those who suffer from anxiety. Xanax is one of those said discoveries. And yet, everything can be abused. Xanax works as a last-ditch effort. Do not think you are a sell-out for using Xanax. Instead, think about the analogy of the man who was stranded on his roof when the floods came. He prayed to God to save him and out of nowhere a helicopter came, but the man didn’t go with the helicopter because he was waiting for the Lord to save him. Then a boat came by and he wouldn’t go with the boat because he was waiting for the Lord to save him. Then another helicopter came and urged the man to get in, but he turned the helicopter away because he was still waiting for the Lord to save him. The flood grew worse and the man drowned. Upon entering heaven, he asked the Lord, “Why didn’t You save me?” to which He responded, “I tried 3 times, but you would not go.”
            Be not afraid, not ashamed, to take Xanax. And yet, before you do, I would actually recommend seeing a Christian Psychologist. Psychology used to be considered taboo by the church, but just like Science and many other studies, God can use anything for the benefit of His children.

#6. Music

            Music can sometimes help people cope with an anxiety attack. For me, I will listen to inspirational/battle themed music to help me combat the unwanted thoughts flooding my mind. For others, it may be soothing classical music or even beautiful worship songs.  Make a CD for whenever the anxiety attacks come and see if you are able to make the attack subside. You may have to make a couple CDs to experiment with. What you are trying to do is bring order to the chaos within your mind.

#7 Memento/Memory

          Find a small object that can fit into your pocket and holds some significance to you. For example, I have a children's Sonic the Hedgehog watch. This calms my mind because of the pleasant memories it carries. I know this may sound somewhat odd, but I find this to help me a lot when I know that I may soon be experiencing an anxiety attack. You see, when I look at this small watch, I am brought back to the moment I got it as a child. Sonic was one of my favorite heroes growing up, I would always eat oatmeal in the morning and watch Sonic the TV show. One time, on the oatmeal box, there was a small advertisement that said if you turn in 100 oatmeal packets, you will get a free Sonic watch. I was so excited, so my mom and I dumped 100 packets of oatmeal into a big ziplock bag and sent the packets away. I remember checking the mail each day. When it finally arrived, I was so unbelievably happy! And so, when I look at this small watch, it brings me back to that moment when I was a child, with no cares or worries at all, just pure joy. Find something that brings you back to a time of peace and happiness. Perhaps it is a certain smell? Or maybe you can make something small with pieces of Scripture written on it.


            My dear reader, I leave you with this. Know that you are loved by your friends and family. Know that you are strong and that this anxiety you feel can be conquered.
            Here is a prayer that I find comforting from the Book of Common Prayer:

“The Almighty Lord, who is a most strong tower to all those who put their trust in Him, to whom all things in heaven, in earth, and under the earth, do bow and obey, be now and evermore thy defense; and make thee know and feel, that there is no other Name under heaven given to man, in whom and through whom, thou mayest receive health and salvation, but only the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Love, Your Brother,

Friday, May 5, 2023




 For the last couple of year I have had new believers ask me how I determine whether or not someone is a Good Theologian or Pastor or Church Leader. 

By Good, I simply mean, someone who has not compromised the faith. Someone who has a solid foundation. Someone you can trust.

So what I have done is put together a list of questions that I personally ask when investigating someone. 

Here is that list: 

The Bible

  1. What is their definition of Biblical Inspiration?
  2. Do they believe Inspiration was Plenary Verbal
  3. Do they believe the Bible to be Inerrant?
  4. Does the Bible have Contradictions?
  5. How do they reconcile the following supposed contradictions                                   > Who killed Goliath? 1 Samuel 17:50; 2 Samuel 21:19; 1 Chronicles 20:5       > How did Judas die? Matthew 27:5 and Acts 1:18
  6. How do they Interpret Exodus 21:22?                                                                          > Was it a miscarriage or pre-mature birth?                                                          > Was the harm to the mother or the premature birth?                                        > Why not life for life if it was a miscarriage?
  7. What is the gift given in Ephesians 2:8?                                                                       > Salvation or Faith
  8. Are they a KJV Onlyist?
  9. Do they believe the Torah was written by Moses?
  10. Do they believe the Creation, Fall, Flood, and Babel to be literal historical events?
  11. Is it ok to reject the Historicity of the Creation, Fall, Flood, Babel?
  12. How do they reconcile slavery and the Bible with emphasis on Leviticus 25:44-46 and owning someone as property forever?
  13. When do you interpret something as Literal of Figurative?
  14. What is their view on Exegesis and Eisegesis?
  15. How do they reconcile Jesus not Abolishing the Torah and Christians not having to follow the Torah? 


  1.  Do they believe in the theory of Evolution? (micro-evolution doesn’t count)
  2. If Science says one thing, but the Bible says another, which direction do they go?
  3. If they believe in Evolution, how do they reconcile it with Genesis?
  4. Was the flood worldwide?
  5. Are they Old or Young Earth Creationists?
  6. What type of death entered the World? Physical or Spiritual or Both? Romans 5:12

Essential Doctrines

  1.  Do they hold to the Essential Doctrines of the Christian Faith?
  2. How important is the Doctrine of the Trinity?
  3. What is the definition of the Trinity as compared to the other heretical views                  > Sabellianism                                                                                                            Monophysitism                                         > Adoptionism                                                                                                           > Nestorianism                                                                                                           > Apollinarianism                                                                                                     > Arianism                                                                                                                > Pelagianism                                                                                                           > Modalism
  4. Is Hell eternal?
  5. Is Hell’s torment conscious, physical, or both?
  6. What is their stance on inhalationism?
  7. Is the belief in Hell essential?
  8. Is Jesus the Only Way to Heaven?


Social Issues

  1. What is their stance on Abortion?
  2.  What is their stance on Homosexuality?
  3. Does the Bible Condemn Homosexuality?
  4. Should Homosexuals be allowed to get married?
  5. Do they believe in separation of Church and State?
  6. What is their stance on Feminism?
  7. Are their Gender Roles?
  8. Is the man the head of the house?
  9. Should a Christian be a Pacifist?
  10. How do they interpret submitting to the Government?


Misc. Topics

  1.  Should women be allowed to be Pastors?
  2. Are Mormons and Jehovah’s Witness Christian?
  3. What is their stance on Calvinism?
  4. What is their stance on Liberalism and Progressivism?
  5. Can a Christian be a Universalist?
  6. Is Israel God’s Chosen people?
  7. What is their stance on Replacement Theology?
  8. What is their position on Preterism?


Some answers to questions will answer other questions. You may not be able to get all the answers but you will be able to get an idea as to where they stand.

This list should also show you what you need to know in order to spot a wolf and to spot compromise.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment here or email me at I can help with pointing you in the right direction. 

Monday, February 13, 2023


                            Infinite Regression


            When philosophers ask you, “If God made man and the universe, than who made God?” What’s to stop from going further as to, who made God, than who made who made God and then regress, regress, regress. And then they’ll say you can’t reason this way because you fall into the fallacy of infinite regression.

            There is a quick answer for the argument of infinite regression. When a person says to you, “You can’t argue me back to God, who made God?” That’s Bertrand Russell’s great argument in his book, Why I Am Not A Christian. Russell is the source of this criticism. Ok, say to the person who gives you this argument, “Ok, lets assume the we regressed from mankind, through creation and the universe and we are now back at God.”

The person says, “Alright, who made God?”

Than you say, “Well let’s assume that somebody did make Him. So what does it prove? It proves that we are responsible to our maker”.  Why? Because if we appear before His throne and we give Him the argument, “I didn’t believe in you because I can regress beyond you to somebody who made you.”

God could answer, “It doesn’t make any difference if somebody made me. The only thing that makes any difference is I made you. Now I want to know what you did with what I told you to do.”  

            Very reminiscent with the hippies on trial in Chicago, who were violently complaining to the judge. They said that the judge had no authority to do anything to them; they were a free moral agents. And the judge answered them by saying, “I may not be the supreme court of the United States, but I do have enough authority to take care of you. Thirty days.” And he put them in.

            There is a lesson to be learned from that. That judge was not the Supreme Court. That judge was simply an intermediary. But the intermediary had the power to judge those people.

            All right, lets use the philosophical argument that there is a finite God. That some force greater than God made Him. The argument is totally irrelevant. The argument has no bearing and no weight the moment you grant it. Because we are going to have to answer to the God that made our universe and that made us. And so the person that wants to regress beyond Him has no reason to regress any further. Why? Because God’s the one responsible for us and He’s the one that’s going to demand from us, why we didn’t obey Him.

             So give them their finite God and then end right there. With the finite God demanding you to give an account to Him, what are you going to say? You have cut the infinite regression right out. And you’re at a God who has the power to send you to hell, because you wouldn’t believe in Him.

This was taken from Dr. Walter Martin's lecture titled, "Seven Campus Curses"