Thursday, July 9, 2020


With this coming election, I have a lot on my mind. I have a lot to consider. And I have a lot to say. I am getting sick and tired of hearing people say why they are not voting for Donald Trump. And these are people who call themselves Christian Conservatives and Libertarians and Independents. I’m not talking about Democrats and Liberals. Those people you can’t talk to. They are a lost cause. No, what I am talking about are the real Americans who believe in Free Speech and the Right to Bear Arms. I am talking about those who actually have a job and work for a living. I am getting sick of these people that I call my own, whining and complaining and being over-sensitive to the way that Donald Trump talks and what he says. 
When it came to the 2016 elections, I was torn between voting for Trump and voting for Senator Cruz. The more that I watched the debates and saw how each person spoke, I began to realize that there was something special about Donald Trump. He wasn’t a politician…He was a free-thinking American like you and I. Additionally he is an entrepreneur—the very spirit of America. I remember when he said something in particular that cemented my decision to vote for him. It was during the Republican nominee debate and he said that he was the only one on stage who has ever signed payroll. Now, I know that a lot of you have no idea what that entails, and it is that very ignorance that leads you to misunderstand Trump’s brash and aggressive demeanor. The sad thing is, I can’t explain or justify that demeanor because, by its very nature, the entrepreneur is one-of-a-kind. They speak a different language and act a different way. If you are really curious about the difference between that of an entrepreneur and an employee—if you really want to understand how Trump speaks and why he acts certain ways—I suggest you read the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kyosaki. Or, I would say, go a step further and go interview an entrepreneur, someone who owns a business and is in charge of many people that work for him/her. If you are not interested, then you are free to go on crying about just how mean Trump is. 
Now we are coming to the 2020 elections, and my support for Trump has grown even greater since 2016. Here is a list of reasons why I am voting for Trump in this election:
1.    ISIS territorial holdings are now non-existent 
2.    Unemployment fell to the lowest rate in half a century
3.    He has cut, and continues to cut numerous regulations 
4.    Announced that Jerusalem is Israel’s capitol 
5.    Supports Israel
6.    “Changed the rules to make it harder for people to claim asylum in the U.S.” *
7.    “His administration has slashed regulations on a financial, agricultural, and energy sectors”
8.    “Manufacturing job’s have gone up”
9.    Trump has an “America First” philosophy when dealing with foreign affairs
10. He is against abortion 
11. He is for the defunding of Planned Parenthood
12. “He restricted federal research that uses fetal tissue”
13. The Department of Health and Human Sciences also barred federally funded health clinics from issuing referrals for abortions” 
14. “Trump has put dozens of conservative judges on the bench, including two Supreme Court Justices” 
15. He put a ban on transgenders serving in the military 
16. “Under Trump, the Department of Justice has changed its approach to civil rights, shifting the focus away from protecting traditionally marginalized people and increasing protection for religious freedom”
17. He withdrew from the Paris climate accord 
18. “He boost fossil fuel development less then six months after taking office”
19. He thinks climate change is a hoax
20. He reversed his support for background checks for gun buyers
21. He said he would pardon those who were going to disregard the construction regulation for the Wall and help build it anyways
On a more personal note:
22. I like that he called Antifa thugs and terrorist
23. I like how he treats the media…just gives it right back to them
24. He did not back down when it came to the border wall fight against Pelosi
25. He wanted to see Obama’s birth certificate
26. He thinks Hillary Clinton should go to jail

With all this being said, I know a lot of people who will not vote for Trump. There are two main argument that I hear form people the first argument is that Trump is an @$$hole, and that he is the lesser of two evils. I consider these two statements to stem from ignorance and a childlike sensitivity. I say ignorance because those who claim he is evil really can’t give you a reason as to why they think he is evil. I called in the radio last week and spoke with Michael Slater on AM760. I told him that I know some people that want to vote third party because they won’t choose between the “lesser of two evils.” I asked him what I should tell those people. He said to ask them what evil has Trump done? And lo and behold, when asked, those people really can’t tell me.  Now regarding Trump being an A-hole, that’s simply because he says it like it is. He doesn’t sugar coat. He doesn’t read from a teleprompter like the other robot politicians. And most importantly, he’s an entrepreneur. If there is one word to define an entrepreneur, it would be “misunderstood.” And that’s what Trump is. 
And yet, there is another group of people who say that they won’t vote for Trump because he is immoral, or simply not moral enough. This argument usually stems from oversensitive Christians. My response to this is simple. You have 4 choices when it comes to this next election, you either vote for Trump, vote for Biden, vote for the Third Party  (which is a vote for Biden by splitting the conservative vote) or if you want to be consistent, you need to write someone in, but you don’t write in just anybody, you write in Jesus Christ. Sounds silly doesn’t it? But the only way for those who make the moral argument against Trump to stand up to scrutiny is if they write in Jesus Christ. The method by which the Christian determines who is moral or not will leave them with no one to vote for because that method of determination is supposed to be the Bible and Jesus is the only man who is perfectly moral. 
Let me just say this in support of voting for Trump. Every vote for Trump is a slap in the face to Liberals, a slap in the face to the Social Justice Warriors, a slap in the face to the college Socialists, the communists, the pro-abortion, the anti-American left. Think about that. Every vote for Trump is a blatant insult to Antifa, those rioters and looters and statue destroyers, to the media, to the ACLU. Remember those guys who sued the cake shop owner for not making them a gay wedding cake? Ya, they would hate it if you voted for Trump. If you vote for Trump, you are telling those library storytime drag queens “NO.” You are telling Planned Parenthood that we are coming for you. 
The next topic I wish to discuss is third party voting—primarily, voting for Jo Jorgenson. The more I look into what she believes and her policies, the more Liberal she becomes. The more anti-Christian she becomes. But before I go into my arguments against voting for Jo, I have one question to ask you: Are you a Christian first or an American first? It’s a serious question. You see, if you are a Christian first, then your primary motive for voting is to please God and to love your neighbor as yourself. But if you are an American first, then your primary motive is Freedom. Sodom and Gamorrah was free to do whatever they pleased, but they were Godless. Freedom does not equal godliness. If anything, freedom in the hands of a Godless country is no better than the nations that Israel destroyed in the Old Testament. So, be sure where you stand. We should seek not only freedom but Law and Order as well, and that Law and Order should be defined by the Bible. The same Creator who gives us the right to vote, should be considered when we go to the polls to exercise that right in the coming election. 
Now regarding third party voting, please allow me to define what I mean when I say Third Party. I am only talking about those third-party members who lean more to the right… or lean just enough right to trick conservatives into thinking that they are one of us. These would be the Libertarians and Independents. I am nottalking about those third-party candidates who lean more to the Left… more Go Green and Liberal. I don’t care about those third-party candidates because you can’t reach them with logic and reason, thus pearls before swine. 
I have said over and over again that a Libertarian is a Conservative who has been castrated. I must right now, in this article, correct that saying. I no longer believe this. I believe Libertarians are not Conservatives, they are simply Americans with no God.  For me to explain this, I must first define what I mean by Conservative. I believe a Conservative is a true American. A conservative wants to Conserve that which is traditionally and originally American. I believe a true Conservative, for the most part, is a Christian., a strong supporter of the 2ndAmendment and the Freedom of Speech. They believe in the Biblical definition of marriage. They also believe the Government can be utilized in such a way that may be beneficial. The Conservative is a threat to the unAmerican, the Socialists, the Communists, and the Liberals. The Conservative believes that our Rights have been endowed by our Creator, not in a metaphorical sense, but in a literal Biblical sense.
From what I have learned about Libertarians, that they are all about minimizing the government, which, in and of itself, is a good thing. They love freedom and hate regulations. They hate government intervention. They believe everyone should be free to do what they like without having the government dictate what they can and cannot do. All of this sounds great and even sounds, for the most part, American, but it lacks one thing: God. It lacks the inspiration of our Creator. The same Creator who endowed us with our rights. The Libertarian supports Gay marriage under the guise of Separation of Church and State. They support legalizing Marijuana  and Prostitution under the guise of “Make it legal so we can tax it.” They support abortion under the guise of “Her body her choice.” When going to vote, the Libertarian throws Biblical ethics out the window under the guise of Freedom. If you don’t believe me, go and see for yourself what this Libertarian Candidate, Jo Jorgenson, supports and is against. She support abortion, prostitution, homosexual adoption, etc. 
Voting for Jo Jorgenson will split the vote for Conservatives, I know Americans who lean more to the right who are voting for Jo Jorgenson when they would instead be voting for Trump if she were not running. I understand that a two-party system was never intended by the founding fathers. I understand that it is not fair that the Republicans and the Democrats monopolize the candidacy. Eventually there will have to be a great reformation in this country with regards to the current party system, but right now we have a President worth voting for. Don’t let the media twist your view of him. Don’t let the Left make you think he is evil. Don’t forget that he is nota politician and that when it comes to moral issues like Homosexual adoption, abortion, prostitution, the support of Israel, etc. his stance is more in line with our Biblical beliefs than any other candidate. And remember who doesn’twant you to vote for Trump. Remember who has spent the last 7 months trying to destroy this country. Remember how they want you to blame Trump for the virus, the collapsing economy, the police brutality, racism, and the riots. They want to use you like a puppet. I say, let’s send them a message this November. Let’s tell the media and the anti-Americans that you may threaten us, you may harass us, you may call us every name in the book, but you will never take away our convictions. You will not control us, because being American means fighting for Truth regardless of how popular it is. 

* All quotations in this article are from the same source—the PBS article “Where President Trump Stands on the Issues in 2020.” I chose to use this specific article because it is the most “unbiased” that I could use in that it is a liberal source that hates Trump, so no one could claim that I am using only biased conservative sources to back up my stance.  

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