Friday, May 5, 2023




 For the last couple of year I have had new believers ask me how I determine whether or not someone is a Good Theologian or Pastor or Church Leader. 

By Good, I simply mean, someone who has not compromised the faith. Someone who has a solid foundation. Someone you can trust.

So what I have done is put together a list of questions that I personally ask when investigating someone. 

Here is that list: 

The Bible

  1. What is their definition of Biblical Inspiration?
  2. Do they believe Inspiration was Plenary Verbal
  3. Do they believe the Bible to be Inerrant?
  4. Does the Bible have Contradictions?
  5. How do they reconcile the following supposed contradictions                                   > Who killed Goliath? 1 Samuel 17:50; 2 Samuel 21:19; 1 Chronicles 20:5       > How did Judas die? Matthew 27:5 and Acts 1:18
  6. How do they Interpret Exodus 21:22?                                                                          > Was it a miscarriage or pre-mature birth?                                                          > Was the harm to the mother or the premature birth?                                        > Why not life for life if it was a miscarriage?
  7. What is the gift given in Ephesians 2:8?                                                                       > Salvation or Faith
  8. Are they a KJV Onlyist?
  9. Do they believe the Torah was written by Moses?
  10. Do they believe the Creation, Fall, Flood, and Babel to be literal historical events?
  11. Is it ok to reject the Historicity of the Creation, Fall, Flood, Babel?
  12. How do they reconcile slavery and the Bible with emphasis on Leviticus 25:44-46 and owning someone as property forever?
  13. When do you interpret something as Literal of Figurative?
  14. What is their view on Exegesis and Eisegesis?
  15. How do they reconcile Jesus not Abolishing the Torah and Christians not having to follow the Torah? 


  1.  Do they believe in the theory of Evolution? (micro-evolution doesn’t count)
  2. If Science says one thing, but the Bible says another, which direction do they go?
  3. If they believe in Evolution, how do they reconcile it with Genesis?
  4. Was the flood worldwide?
  5. Are they Old or Young Earth Creationists?
  6. What type of death entered the World? Physical or Spiritual or Both? Romans 5:12

Essential Doctrines

  1.  Do they hold to the Essential Doctrines of the Christian Faith?
  2. How important is the Doctrine of the Trinity?
  3. What is the definition of the Trinity as compared to the other heretical views                  > Sabellianism                                                                                                            Monophysitism                                         > Adoptionism                                                                                                           > Nestorianism                                                                                                           > Apollinarianism                                                                                                     > Arianism                                                                                                                > Pelagianism                                                                                                           > Modalism
  4. Is Hell eternal?
  5. Is Hell’s torment conscious, physical, or both?
  6. What is their stance on inhalationism?
  7. Is the belief in Hell essential?
  8. Is Jesus the Only Way to Heaven?


Social Issues

  1. What is their stance on Abortion?
  2.  What is their stance on Homosexuality?
  3. Does the Bible Condemn Homosexuality?
  4. Should Homosexuals be allowed to get married?
  5. Do they believe in separation of Church and State?
  6. What is their stance on Feminism?
  7. Are their Gender Roles?
  8. Is the man the head of the house?
  9. Should a Christian be a Pacifist?
  10. How do they interpret submitting to the Government?


Misc. Topics

  1.  Should women be allowed to be Pastors?
  2. Are Mormons and Jehovah’s Witness Christian?
  3. What is their stance on Calvinism?
  4. What is their stance on Liberalism and Progressivism?
  5. Can a Christian be a Universalist?
  6. Is Israel God’s Chosen people?
  7. What is their stance on Replacement Theology?
  8. What is their position on Preterism?


Some answers to questions will answer other questions. You may not be able to get all the answers but you will be able to get an idea as to where they stand.

This list should also show you what you need to know in order to spot a wolf and to spot compromise.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment here or email me at I can help with pointing you in the right direction. 

1 comment:

  1. This is great! Thank you. Also helps me to answer questions I have, still being young in my following of Christ.
